Some words to paint a picture.

A photograph of Kenny Heard

Hi. I'm Kenny, a frontend developer based in Cardiff, UK. 👋🏻

I've spent the past seven years working in the web industry with teams that specialise in both agency-based and in-house projects, as well some very small freelance projects in my own time.

My current focus lies within the frontend territory of web development; crafting experiences and progressing my expertise in a range of well-known web frameworks and libraries like Next.js and React, as well as some much newer examples like Astro and SolidJS. I'm also a keen driver when it comes to adopting promising new tools like TypeScript and Tailwind - to name just a couple.

At the beginning of my career, I pursued my passion for design. It's an area that I still love to explore today in parallel with my development career and it's a huge factor in the reason I do what I do today. Working closely with the most talented designers, being a part of the iterative process, watching the concepts evolve, and then being the one to bring the ideas to life through experiences and interactions are all massive perks for me in my role.

Setting my focuses aside, my typical roles often take me beyond the frontend, all the way up and down the stack; working with a variety of CMSs like WordPress and Craft CMS, building server-side applications with PHP, Blade, and Twig, and writing and running CI/CD workflows.

Outside of my day-to-day, I spend most of my time with some combination of good people, good food, and comfortable environments; whether indoors or out. As an extension of my love for design, photography is also something that's always interested me. I would nevercall myself a photographer, but it's a field I've always loved to play in. There's something alluring about the challenge of capturing the beauty of colour, shape, and light - the type that can't always be accurately created through digital design - that always has me seeking the perfect shot.

Photograph of statues against a bright blue sky.
Photograph of the inside of a restaurant at Musée d'Orsay in Paris. The restaurant contains a large window through the building's clockface.
Photograph of the Spaceship Earth A.K.A Epcot Ball attraction at Walt Disney World in Florida.
Photograph of Cologne Cathedral in Cologne, Germany.
Photograph of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, lit-up against a black sky.
Photograph of cars on a bridge, with the sun setting in the background.
Selfie of Kenny looking slightly concerned at the camel standing directly behind him.